I was at the edge of metal well being, even thought of suicide. Now I am 8 days on nofap and feel amazing. I hope I don’t relapse and start my decline again. I pray for getting confident and might find a girlfriend.
Specifically in America. The government has fallen like the servers. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was deliberately done to get you gamers to get political active about your government clearly being run by a senile businessman.
Have always wanted to double wrist these 2s, so today I did it, which many at work were curious and some thought it’s crazy.
But like a wise man once said “Well, you have 2 wrist after all”
Enjoy your weekend!
Anyone else in here ever experienced super heavy legs to the point where it feels like you’re going through growing pains in both legs but x1000?
No matter what I did I couldn’t fix it yesterday and I had to take 2mg of Xanax just to go to sleep to get away from it.
Woke up for work at 4AM this morning and they’re still numb but not nearly as bad.
Anyone else have this?
Since rookie feds was cancelled does anyone know if they will continue the story in the rookie since there are still mysterys such as who Senator Smith is.
My iPhone 12 mini main camera suddenly stopped focusing properly. There’s no physical damage, and I’ve already tried updating the software, but that didn’t help. It was working fine before, and I’m not sure what caused this.
Has anyone else faced this issue? Any fixes or workarounds?
Shifter was working fine and then stopped working all of a sudden on AC, opened the moza software and its just not being recognised by it at all anymore, anyone know how to fix it?
Chat am I cooked, people who’ve applied to my course are already getting offers back but it’s all radio silence for me (excluding the odd email about accommodation).